Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rebecka on Channel 7 Local News

On Wedneday Channel 7 did a wonderful report on our work in Belize and interviewed both Rebecka of our team and a Deputy Education Officer from the Ministry Of Education.
Rebecka did an awesome job of explaining about our
work with the teachers of Belize

If you want to see what she said go to and see the Wednesday,August 11th 6:00pm news posting.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pictures Week 1

Feedback from Principals

The following are comments from a few of the principals that attended week one:

"I have been to many workshops but this is the first one where the information given will be useful to us because we were given concrete ways to implement it. We need more of this and for this program to continue. We thank you. Belize thanks you!"

"Your work from the past four days reinforces my beliefs about the importance of CAPS. When there is proper planning and assessment, it leads to targeted intervention. This program cements my belief that cooperative learning, supervision, and literacy are cornerstones for the development of our students self-esteem and confidence. This leads for the greater development of our country."

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The end of a successful week...

We have officially wrapped up the training of the learning coaches in Belize City and are confident they will do a terrific job with their colleagues next week. We found it was very interesting to learn about the variety of experiences and learning environments that the learning coaches teach in. After the first day of constant sweating, when we thought we couldn't possibly sweat any more, we were thankful Jennifer told us to pack electrolytes- maybe by the end of next week we will have adapted to the heat and humidity :) We are looking forward to meeting the secondary teachers next week!
Jamie and Rebecka

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Belize City Testimonial

Ruth, a principal, writes:
"I am really enjoying and learning a lot from this workshop. I pray that you may return and do another one. Even if it is just with me! I will repeat myself, you are the best! May God continue to bless both of you! I feel as if I am so special to have received this workshop."

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 2

From Jamie, Rebecka: We are impressed with the number of participants in the teacher group who are continuing their education with further degrees and certification. The teachers are very compassionate, enthusiastic, and are like sponges absorbing the material. We are enjoying the active participation and discussion. A participant mentioned that she wished the day was longer as she had so much to learn. The teachers in attendance were hopeful that their enthusiasm would inspire their administrators and colleagues.

From Cindi and Larry: The basic understanding of balanced literacy among particpants was impressive. The adminstrators and GMs demonstrated a desire to continue to promote balanced literacy in their schools. They really loved the "Who wants to be a millionaire?" literacy game! One principal testimonial: "Balanced literacy will move our educational system forward."

BC Day 1

A few pictures of day 1

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 1 in BC

Hello from Belize City
The BC team members were impressed by the size of the audience in Belize City. Approximately 80 principals and general managers as well as 35 teachers were actively engaged in Day 1 dialogue and activities. We are honored the GMs attended for the first time, they added a rich dimension to the conversation of education in Belize City. Highlights were the willingness of the group to share their ideas in particular identifying strengths as well as system challenges. Many of the issues raised by Belizeans are also challenges we face in Canada. Tomorrow we will continue our shared conversation in particular an emphasis on the vital role of the teacher (identified by the participants today as the crucial element to success with CAPS). Every participant made a personal commitment to promote CAPS. Looking forward to tomorrow.